The Miguel Pena Memorial Fund Inc., a nonprofit organization (501c3), has been created in remembrance of Miguel's legacy. In memory of Miguel Pena, we invite the community to come out and join us for dinner, drinks, door prizes and entertainment by Comedian Steve Trevino. Steve Trevino originally a Gregory-Portland Wildcat is currently residing in Los Angeles and working on a sitcom. You all might recognize him from his Showtime comedy special, "Grandpa Joe's Son" and/or his second special "Relatable" which is available on Netflix. During this event we will celebrate Miguel's life achievements, friendship, his love for the Arts, and awareness. We will also be exhibiting some of Miguel's Art. All proceeds from this event will go towards the Miguel Pena Memorial Fund, Inc., which will provide Art students with scholarships so they may pursue their passion of Art, as Miguel did. The goal is to award one to two scholarships a year.